I have lived at this complex for almost two years and I'm up to my ears with BS from the staff/management! Let me start by saying that I hate to leave negative reviews, but I'm so infuriated by their incompetence and behavior that I need to warn everyone! Yes this is the closest/most convenient location if you study/work at Anschutz - and they know that! So they EXPLOIT that to the last drop! We have had so many issues with them being unresponsive about problems with our apartment but I'm just going to talk about the latest! We have had issues for over 2 months now- I don't want to get into details but let's just say that this issue makes our apartment vulnerable to intruders. This, obviously, is a HUGE safety problem and we have asked them, on MULTIPLE occasions to attend to it. And on every occasion we have gotten either "oh we are working on it" or "oh we thought it was already resolved". frustrated by all of this, we left a negative review for the service man that failed to fix the problem (thinking that this would be anonymous and constructive so they could get their sh*t together)! Next time the service man came, he was AGGRESSIVE and THREATENED my roommate about the negative review. We were so shaken up but finally decided to tell the office about this person's behavior. We were promised that this person would be disciplined, that he would never set foot in our apartment (the office has keys to every apartment, so he could enter our apartment whenever he wanted!), and that the window would be fixed ASAP! It has been 4 weeks since that conversation, our windows have still not been fixed. When I went into the office, I found out that the service manager had NO IDEA about this problem. AND that the threatening person still has access to our home! I'm so infuriated by this! We feel so unsafe by the office and service people's actions! Just because this place is convenient for students, they take advantage of you with RIDICULOUSLY HIGH PRICES and really crappy service!