Elena Wilson

This place is a rip off. They will make you pay $75/year to use the package lockers plus ten dollars for everyday past two days you don't pick up a package. You read that right you have to pay $75 to get YOUR packages at the place YOU live. And no, you cannot get the packages delivered to your door or pick up from the front office you MUST cough up more money to get your own packages. On top of this they started assigning parking so in addition to the $30 a month you spend to even be allowed to park in the few open parking spots in their minuscule parking lot you have to pay an additional $50 to have an assigned parking spot to even have a chance of having a spot at the end of each day. You might be thinking that you could just park on the street. No. You will get ticketed if you park on the street for more than 2 hours. So sucks to be you if you happen to work evenings. You have to wake up at dawn to move your car so you don't get a ticket. Thirdly, the utilities here are insane because of the fees. I pay $60 per month in utilities for a studio and only around $8 from that is due to my own water use. The rest is "fees" so that they can water the dead plants out front and so you can take out your own trash. This place has been so disappointing and I can't wait to move out.