Yo Yo Fu

One of the worst apartment places. Illegal charging of deposit and then additional charging of cleaning fee and repainting fee. We have photo evidence as well that there was zero damage. In fact we left the place was so spotless their evidence for cleaning was they pulled out the refrigerator and took a picture of the dust under it. That was their proof. That's what they call not normal wear and tear. It's obviously illegal and from looking at Colorado law, normal wear and tear for that and paint is way beyond scuff marks. What is even more ridiculous is that when they submitted to us their receipt from their cleaning/repainting company they used, the receipt was LESS than what they charged us. So they self-reported and provided us evidence of their fraudulent charges. When contacting them about this they would only reply with templated replies and ignore our emails. We submitted a demand letter and only then would they take some of the fees off, but not all. And when we replied by email again, they just go right back to templated responses without reading our emails. We will file in small claims court next. We encourage all other tenants to do so as well. BTW if any other tenants or lawyers want get together to proceed with a class action lawsuit let me know. Just from looking at the reviews alone you see tons of evidence of them illegally charging fees and withholding deposits. With the amount of tenant turnover 21 Fitzsimmons Apartments has it's bound to be a decent size class action. Also I wouldn't be surprised to see this happens with all the properties they manage.