William Field

I had an okay experience living here but it was worse when moving out: ~ It's noisy with endless construction (not only is this property building/renovating more, it is surrounded by construction on three sides--trucks are CONSTANTLY beeping) ~ When birds arrive, they will build nests under the eaves and chirp for months! It's kinda nice, for a few days, but they don't stop until they leave! So, windows closed with air-conditioner noise, or windows open with chirping noise--either way, it won't be quiet. ~ Amenities are sub-par (pool, spa closed most of the year, when open construction surrounding). ~ Maintenance will come, eventually, and so will the snow and dirt from their shoes. ~ They don't remove snow from sidewalks, nor around the doors to enter building from parking lot (particularly behind building 6). ~ Trash room is overflowing at least every other week. ~ Expensive!! Let's be honest, it's Aurora. ~ Staff smiles upfront, charges ridiculous amount for "General Cleaning ($150), painting ($48), and Carpet Cleaning ($45). Even though the place my be "clean" on move out, they require a "Professional Receipt" to show it's been cleaned (My unit wasn't painted when I moved in, nor were the carpets cleaned, however I would expect the previous tenant was charged!) ~ When you move out, you will not deal with the people on site, in the Leasing office, but with Daniel or Vanessa in the "Aimco Customer Care After Move-Out Team" however I did not experience friendliness or "care" from them. ~ I'm anticipating that someone from the company will respond to this with a friendly, smiley, encouraging note asking me to contact them so we can resolve things. However, for the past week I've been trying to resolve some of these issues and all to no avail. Seems like the response will be to show you, the potential renter, they are on top of things....as a former tenant, I can say, they aren't on top of it...nor have they been willing to work with me to this point. Yes, it's walking distance to the hospitals and the UC schools...but there are other places close enough I would re-consider.