Brian King

Update: I would not give any stars if possible. This place is a joke. It is ridiculously expensive and you don't get what you pay for as far as amenities go. The ones they do have are always under construction. The part that makes this place unbearable is the management. They are impossible to work with. IMO if they tell you something (written or verbal) they will try to snake their way out of it to get more money out of you. RENT ANYWHERE ELSE. Original: We were without central air or heat for a week when temperatures ranged from low 40s to high 80s. They came and looked at our unit on a Thursday (they sent a general maintenance man, not an AC repairman) and ordered a part. The part came in on Tuesday and it was the wrong part. They would not troubleshoot it again that day. On Wednesday, they sent an official repairman out and he repaired it. We requested they prorate our rent, after all, we are paying for central air and heat. They said they would get back to us the next day. A week later, my wife emailed them and they gave us a flat "no". This is probably the worst that has happened to us since we moved in, but frequently elevators are broken, entrances are broken, guard rails are broken, etc...