James D.

Do not live here unless you really have to. The washing machine room is atrocious, half the time the machines don't work, or takes your money, and doesn't wash or dry your clothes. Also they have no cameras in the washing machine room, and people have stolen my Laundry out the machine. There is always something wrong with the elevators. The elevator closet to my apt unit didn't work for 3 and a half months! Some of the the neighbors are friendly, but most of them are not, and they litter everywhere on the community. There is also a strict no smoking policy, which is understandable. My neighbor accused us of smoking in our apt unit, and we got fined for it. Nobody in my apt smokes. Didn't even come in the apt to look for evidence. Just fined us. You can't even smoke on your balcony. What the point to having a balcony then? I've hardly seen anyone use their balcony. Would not recommend anyone ever living in this apt building. Aimco is a terrible company. The only redeemable thing about this building is the Building Manager Anthony, he was always very respectful. Can't say the same about his employer.