Savi Lynn

The few days before we moved out (THANK GOD), my car was broken into. These buttheads stole my interlock device (breathlyzer)... for what reason, I will never know. Not only that, but they took my very nice school backpack with all my geology books, math workbook, wireless mouse... this person was obviously a very low person. What was really great was that not only was it right in front of the garage camera but it was not 100 feet from the supposed 24-hour guard house. Management was less than helpful. Never got back to me. When our bikes were stolen from the same garage, they were just as helpful. Rudely dismissed by the staff in the leasing office. Probably don't to reiterate this, but DO NOT MOVE HERE. I can't imagine that any person who pays the ungodly amount they ask for this dump wants to deal with the amount of bugs ("oh, they're just water bugs" ok, waterbugs, cockroaches and some other hybrid of both that we found in our apartment) or many levels of thievery (starting with the leasing office and working its way down to the surrounding filth) this place has to offer. To the leasing office: you sure as hell won't find my name on any lease in your system. I wouldn't tarnish my good name with your crap apartment complex.