Do not live here if you value peace, quiet, and your sanity. I lived here for almost 2 years and it was beyond awful. I finally got my deposit back today and am glad to never have to think about this miserable complex and the awful, incompetent people who run it ever again. Management is beyond unhelpful and is skilled at avoiding you OR giving evasive answers if you can get a hold of them. Constant emails are sent to remind everyone about community rules that are never enforced by anyone. An example sent to building E: "Please be advised that we have knowledge of a pet owner in your building allowing their pet to relieve themselves in the common area hallways, stairwells, and elevators of your building. This behavior is unacceptable, and I'm sure you can understand how frustrating this can be for your neighbors...We also encourage anyone witnessing these acts to capture the incident if possible and report it to our Leasing Center or Courtesy Patrol right away." Every email asks you to report to management immediately if you see any violations, but good luck getting a hold of anyone. On top of paying exorbitant rent, you're also expected to provide security for the community! If they really wanted to figure it out, they would install more than three security cameras in every building, but that would require caring. I was verbally assaulted by a person who kept smoking in our hallway when I asked him for the umpteenth time to stop. I knew exactly where the person lived, identified them to management, and received no response. I had previously contacted them and they advised they would address it, which clearly did not happen. This was after our central smoke alarm kept getting activated regularly, to the point where no one bothered evacuating the building anymore. Another time there was a homeless person living in their car, which they'd somehow gotten into our parking structure. Hours later I got a hold of someone at the leasing office to tell them the person was slumped over in their car in a visitor space and they LAUGHED and said they would send someone to look into it. One of my last interactions with someone at this company was the manager (Matthew Comicz) for the complex. We asked for his help for a billing issue I hadn't been able to get resolved for months. We'd been double charged for parking when they switched over to a new resident portal. Every month I would call the central number for the management company and they would remove the charge, only to have it reappear the next month. We explained the situation in great detail, including that we'd already reached out to the company directly and couldn't find a permanent resolution. His response: "Everything looks accurate on my end. You can certainly give our Rent partners a call at ext. 3 tomorrow for further explanation." I responded that we'd already done that and received zero response. Management here is a joke. Shoddy construction and maintenance is also a major issue. We lived for MONTHS in a unit that would intermittently smell like sewage. The smell would fill our whole 2 bedroom apartment and even reach the hallway outside our front door. I called emergency maintenance for it once and no one was ever sent to assist. Maintenance sent various "specialists" to tear apart our bathroom to try to find the source, gaslighting me the entire time and telling me there was NO WAY the smell could be coming from the toilet when I asked them to repair the wax seal. After 2 months they finally sent someone to repair the wax seal like I'd been asking for months and, SURPRISE, it instantly fixed the issue. When I complained about how long finding a resolution took the manager sent a bottle of wine and a note, which was a nice gesture. A better gesture would have been resolving the issue immediately when a resident told them their apartment smelled like LITERAL SHIT. Months later the issue reappeared and they sent the same guy to repair the wax seal. He said the previous person hadn't done it correctly. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was the one who did the original work. The maintenance people are nice enough, but they seem way in over their heads. The last issue is the neighbors. It's always up in the air whether you'll be able to go to sleep at night because your neighbors might decide to throw a frat party and "security" (which I've never actually seen - read all the reviews about people's cars getting broken into) will take their time to address it. The walls and floors are paper thin and you will hear everything. We lived on the fourth floor (or as they call it "penthouse," which is a joke) and could hear our downstairs neighbor's every move. I recommend living literally anywhere else. I'm sure management will respond to this review and say all issues had been resolved on their end, just like they do with all the other negative reviews. Just note that regular emails are sent out enticing residents with gift cards for reviews.