Whatever reason you think moving here will be a good idea, don't! I'll just list a variety of negatives cause other than the beautiful gardens and pool area, there's nothing. 1. Walls and ceilings are extremely extremely thin. We unfortunately have loud neighbours upstairs who seem to always be wearing shoes stomping around and moving things around daily, it is so loud you can even catch conversation, animals and more coming from other units. Sliding doors and front doors slam down the hallway which causes the entire unit to shake, even if it was not coming from you. 2. The front door frames and windows are so poorly installed.. the frame at the front door doesn't even fit the front door properly, which allows for large cracks for bugs, heavy wind, light from the hallway to seep through the door. (There were multiple occasions on times when it was freezing in the winter months and all the heat we would put on would instantly escape through the thin, cheap windows and door cracks.) 3. Never never never choose the units overlooking the ponds. It is a never ending ZOO with crows and ducks at all hours of the day. Starting at 6am the ducks will be quacking very loudly that you can obviously hear through the unit. I swear 1000+ crows also live amongst the trees and buildings. Constant chaos and noise. If you are looking for a peaceful and quiet place to come home to, this is NOT the location for you. 4. The repair and cleaning job is half ass.. We initially moved into the apartment with paint splattered all over the floors, they don't take the time to trim or tape in order to paint, it just looks plain old sloppy. 5. The rooms are dark and dingy looking.. Appliances are old, out dated or broken. We had a huge leak come from the floors above us which caused us to have to move out of the unit for a week while it was repaired. It is still not completely fixed as you can see mold growing on the walls. We had to get the washing machine replaced already for leakage and it is STILL leaking. It's 2021, who has outdated space heaters now? They are obviously energy suckers, and don't even do the job it's supposed to do. Just a waste of $$$$. 6. They don't tell you this when you move in but you have to PAY additional for these lockers that all packages get sent to so you can retrieve them from there rather than them being left at your door. Pain in the ass when you have to walk all the way back to your unit with a few packages in your hand. 7. The front gate has a SPIKE STRIP. Twice, we had an incident where the gate would open to let us through and the spikes didn't go down in time. This resulted in 2 popped tires and a few hundred dollars later.. Went to management and they could careless that this was an issue. Since that time, I have seen 4 other people end up with popped tires. Unacceptable. The front buzzer for guests and deliveries barley works.. there is always issues with the call system they have as it NEVER calls through. Always a huge line of guests trying to get in and back up a line down the road, stopping those who have passes to get by properly. 8. Fire alarms are constantly going off and for hours at a time.. I swear it's gone off at least 10 times total since moving here a few months ago 9. The units are definitely not worth the price you are paying to live there. With the condition of the units themselves, it is more realistic to pay $100-200 more and get yourself a brand new built apartment complex down the road. Also brand new apartments are being built all around which I hope will decrease these high rent fluctuations. The rental prices for a studio and 1 bedroom are simply outrageous for what you are getting.