DON'T MOVE TO 3400! Let this be a warning of the property manager,Matthew Comicz and his leasing office team. Like many properties, they will seem very attentive because they want your money. I understand it's a business but as a landlord or property manager, Matt is the worse! Even reporting the most simple things as people parking in your paid parking space, it's like pulling teeth. Matt will take months to response. I have email threads that took over 2 months before he messaged me back. When I call him, no one will ever answer the phone. You leave a message and they won't ever call you back and sometimes the line just disconnects. I was told they can't tow cars. That is funny because within 2 weeks of me moving in there my car was towed, while parking in my own paid parking space. Then you have racist cowards like this asshole living in the community. I've lived here for over 3 years and never had an issue with my neighbors until this dude. I moved into a new unit in February and moved out in August. This guy harassed us for no reason other than us being Asian and bring this to Matt, he did nothing. We had to escalate the situation to his manager and then to her manager. I gave up after nothing was done. The lack of communication and support from Matt and his team was sad. We have been residents for over 3 years and for that to not have any value or loyalty from Matt, disappointing. Matt gave us the run around and excuses after excuses. He had us go on a goose chase. We did everything, reported to the police, reported to security, reported to Matt, installed a cam to get a picture of him, and even found out the unit he was in and still nothing. Matt chose to protect this racist after everything. I'm sure to him, have 2 units occupied paying rent was more important. This asshole walked by our place, 2 times a day and made it uneasy for my gf to live and work, since she works from home. He followed her in the garage, into the stairwell and came banging on our door while she was alone. He smeared feces on our door handle and lock pad. We are Asian American. We don't use the race card and believe me, we've been in places where is a lot worse. People can make what they want out of it but I'm sure if you came home and saw this, you would be pissed too.