How very unfortunate to have to resort to leaving these disgraceful reviews. I had wanted to live at 3400 since I was a teenager, always mesmerized by it's external beauty when driving by. Then my dream came true last year when I moved into the 3rd floor of one of their buildings. This dream then turned into a nightmare. I am very tolerant but little by little things just added up. Please do not make the same mistake I made by renting here. Here are the issues: 1. The walls are paper! I literally hear every footstep from the neighbors above. Music, TV, talking , sex.. yep.. you hear it all. 2. The balcony is roomy, and you will want to fill it up with your patio furniture to enjoy. Unfortunately, this furniture will soon be covered in dirt, trash, spilled drinks, and dog feces from the balcony above yours. The balconies flooring are long wood panels with spacing between them allowing for everything from above to seep down. 3. Without much notice they closed one of the main attractions of this place ( a big reason why we fork over so much rent)... the main pool area. It is shut down for 3 months. It is their duty to inform you of what things will not be available to you during your lease term. I work in commercial real estate so I know that these big capital improvement projects are planned way in advance. This just speaks very negative on management and AIMCO. 4. The apartments have a lot of maintenance issues. Maybe it's the age, and maybe it's how cheap AIMCO is in the maintenance. Within a month i had two leaks from the roof!! First I had leaking and mold in my bathroom. They came to repair it, but left it open and patched up with plastic and a mess on my tub. They said they would be back the next day to patch it up. It took days, and kept putting it off. Meanwhile, the patch kept stretching down as it filled up from the leak above. I told them I did not want it like this over New Years since I was hosting a get together. They failed to deliver, and I was stuck with it until after New Years. Fast forward a week after and I wake up at 3am to the noise of water dropping. I go to the living area and there was water pouring out of a light fixture and the water sprinkler. There was damage to my personal items, and my renters insurance refused to help since it was landlords fault. I sent a message to management stating they were at fault and they ignored me. It also destroyed the ceiling paint and it took them almost a month to finally respond to my requests to get it fixed. Then there was a gas leak few weeks after that, so the issues keep coming. 5. Management has no respect for personal space. They intruded into my apartment three times! They will walk into your apartment without notice. I tell them to call me before entering my apartment. And in two occasions i would come home from work and find them inside making a repair. The third time was the last straw: my husband had just had surgery and was home resting. We had a friend over that day and all of a sudden around lunch time they hear someone opening the door and two men come in. My husband and his friend freaks out and ask them what they are doing. The men just looked surprised and said "there is never anyone here at this time" and they could not say what they came in for nor did they have any repair tools on them. Because of mainly reason number 5, we requested that they work with us in allowing us to leave after month 12 of their lease (they make you sign 15 month leases). We no longer feel safe in the apartment. They completely shut me down, and would not even offer to have the manager speak to me in person. They literally just blew me off with a... sorry but not so sorry. Whatever you do, do not sign a lease here. All they care about is money and not the well being of their tenants. AIMCO is running this community to the ground. I have met many other tenants with even worse stories than mine and I think it is time we all stood up for ourselves. Ps: there is horrible cell signal here!! What is this a third world country?!