I lived here for over 2 years during that period it was bearable, until my place got flooded by my upstairs neighbor. She refused to give me her insurance information because she claims it is the building fault for not taking care of her bathroom faucet when she called them about the flood. She claims her called them on multiple occasions, went to the office to complain and even called the corporate head office and nothing was done. The office said i should contact my neighbors insurance to take care of my damages. I just got tired and took care of my own damages. The office, however put put me in a hotel for a week while they were fixing my place. I shortly cancelled my lease, I had to pay for early cancellation which was two months rent plus give two months notice. I've been out for a good 6 months and tell me why I keep calling phone calls from the entrance door to my old apt every time someone try to delivery something. Unbelievable!!!!