I would strongly advise anyone considering this apartment to not rent here. 1) Since being here, one of my visitors car was stolen in broad daylight and Ashley refused to give the CCTV footage to the detective and the detective could not reach anyone from the office, and they ignored all my voicemails and emails. Ashley lies and said like had never happened before, but clearly from these reviews this apartment has a history of having cars stolen, and refusing to give the CCTV footage. 2) we pay $50 for the Luxor one mailing service only for packages to be stolen. My neighbors and I have all experienced packages meant for us being stolen and the leasing office taking no accountability, I had six stolen packages this January and was told by Ashley and Matthew they could do absolutely nothing. I even contacted Luxer one and they told me the apartment is fully responsible for stolen packages. 3) service requests take forever to fulfill, thankfully I've never had a toilet issue, but I've gone days waiting for the service request for my clogged shower to be fulfilled and I went two weeks without my washer and dryer working because they never showed up. 4) Ashley discussed my lease with another neighbor, discussing when I would be moving out causally in a conversation which I'm pretty sure is illegal and against any kind of confidential agreement we make with the apartment. 5) My final breaking point was my neighbor issue. I have been having ongoing problems with harassment from a neighbor since November which I reported, Ashley verified this harassment and yet failed to do anything about it. I went into the office more than three times complaining about this issue and sent multiple emails, called security multiple times.. yet she still failed to do anything to find a solution. I suggested that I could even transfer units and she told me there were no available units at the time. It wasn't until this month I asked for a lease break because of how unsafe I felt, and instead of Ashley (who has known what I've been dealing with since November) to take some kind of responsibility and help find a solution, she said I would have to still follow the normal procedure of breaking my lease by paying two months rent. I am not even currently staying at the apartment due to my neighbor issue. This is the absolute worst apartment one could rent from and I would strongly advise anyone against renting here.