Citlalli P.

This is place has the WORST management I've dealt with in any setting. Since the minute we moved in, the manager Matt seemed to have it out for us, even though we never officially met him. First they tried denying our 2 pets emotional support paperwork and charged us the pet deposit AND monthly fee for both pets. It wasn't until about 2 months later and a lot of persistence on my part and bad Yelp reviews, that they returned our deposit and monthly fees, ultimately accepting that my pets emotional support stuff was legit from the beginning. He caused so much emotional and financial stress for me and my bf. During this whole ordeal Matt never once gave us the respect of talking to us directly, he was always acting snobby and too busy even if we were standing right in front of him. He only ever spoke to my bf to ask him if he can tell me to take my Yelp post down. When we moved in they promised new cell phone antennas to be installed on the property, that was a lie! There is absolutely no cell service in that whole place, very embarrassing when we had company over, no ones phones worked unless we gave them our wifi. There were more than 10 car break ins, including 2 in our truck in the parking garages, when we reported it to them they told us that we needed to call our renters insurance because it was not their responsibility... umm.... ok... thanks for making us feel safer!!! Pftt. On one occasion the parking structure gate wasnt working and it came down on the bed of our truck scratching and damaging it, also said they were not responsible for that and we should call our renters insurance. We were also warned by more than one maintenance personnel about HOMELESS people. They apparently sleep in the stairways, and even caught some having sex there! They caught some homeless sleeping in vacant apartments as well.. They also tell you the complex is "RENOVATED".... YEA IN 2008!! How can you call that renovated? The heater/ac system sounds just as loud as an old generator which drove me crazy. This place is not renovated! Our lease ended on March 4th, which is the day we turned in our keys, we had zero intention on renewing our lease with a property whose management is so rude and difficult/impossible to work with. We eventually got a call from Ashley at the office telling us there will be a fee to pay because we didnt notify them that we were leaving 60 days before. So we called the Corp. Office to get more info where they told us Matt had placed a "BLOCK" on our account so we wouldn't be able to renew even if we wanted to, later after that call Matt took the block off. Then suddenly we find out he took the block off in order to charge us the fee for not notifying 60 days ahead. THE FEE IS 3K!! minus our deposit. How can you charge us that fee when technically we werent allowed to renew in the first place???? This is complete misuse of power within the company. It feels like Matt is personally trying to come after us. For what? We never had a complaint or warning and always paid rent on time... very confused. Does Matt do this to everyone? And if he does who is allowing him to continue working there?