Hello & welcome to DB Central! You probably think I'm referring to other residents - I'm not. 2 words: Property Management. His name is Matt, and has quite honestly run this community into the ground. When we moved in, Priscilla did an amazing job and was rightfully promoted. Unfortunately her replacement for this community, Matt, has steadily torn the appeal of this property apart. Don't bother living here unless you appreciate paying exorbitant rent for unfulfilled promises, while the property continues to be run into the ground. I think I forgot to mention 25 cars on this gated property being broken into or stolen in the last 6 months. REAL secure. Not thing to note, when we moved in we were sold on community events and amenities. If this sounds like you, you will be sorely disappointed. The events are scarce, and amenities are poorly maintained to the point of being unsafe (the pool has twice had cracks in the underwater lighting that went weeks unidentified). Move in if you love herds of rude pregnant Asian ladies though!