Gretchen K.

I have so many negative things to say about this place that it's hard to even know where to start. Definitely do not move here unless your only other option is being homeless. This is, by far, the worst large apartment community I've ever lived in. 1. You will never sleep through the night if you live here and have anyone above you. They did such a cheap job with their renovations that when they decided to put wood on each floor, they didn't use any sort of foam or padding and you can hear EVERYTHING from the people above you. I'm talking, I can hear my upstairs neighbor's phone vibrate when their alarm goes off at 4:15, 4:45, 5:15, and 5:45 every morning. I lived here for 11 months and never slept through the night. This is the main reason I found someone to take over my spot on the lease and moved out. 2. The leasing office failed to tell us that two weeks after signing the lease, the city was breaking ground on the new OC Museum of Art directly across from our balcony; a 2-year project. We had to listen to construction all day everyday, except Sunday. Our apartment was dust blasted, the construction company violates their permits and starts as early as 6am, and there is constant drilling, hammering, and other fun construction sounds. 3. Aimco, the company that runs this god awful place, decided it would be a great idea to get rid of the guard at the main entrance and put in an automated gate. Visitors, delivery people, and rideshares have no idea what to do here. The resident lane is constantly blocked by people who want to argue with you when you tell them to move out of the resident lane as they sit there and block it for everyone, and residents end up waiting in lines of 5-10 cars deep to try and get in. My record for wait time to get into my community was 10 minutes. Oh, I can't forget first responders! They aren't able to get in. Three times now, I've had to let in ambulances who had no access to the person they were trying to help. The rollout of this change was horrible, so at least we're past that. 4. Dog poop and dogs off leash EVERYWHERE. Poop on the synthetic grass in front of the buildings, poop in the building lobbies, poop all over the grass and sidewalks throughout the community. People let their dogs run around freely throughout the community. One man's dog once came charging mine, who was on leash, and the man verbally attacked me when I told him his dog needed to be on a leash. 5. My roommate's bathroom had a horrible leak that flooded the hallway outside of our apartment whenever she used her shower. We finally got them to come in and they had to cut out the drywall in her bathroom and the hall closet, bring in blowers and dehumidifiers for days, and put her bathroom out of commission. Once it was dry, they told us it was done and ready to be closed up. "What about the leak?" I asked. The response was that there was no active leak. They had checked with my roommate present (this was a lie) and found nothing. They closed it up and the hall flooded the very first time she used the shower. We had to go through the whole process a second time because they mismanaged the situation. 6. I once encountered a man smoking in the hallway of our floor (people smoke everywhere even though it's a "smoke-free" community). I asked him to stop, as I had other times with the same man at other locations in the community, and asked if he lived in my building. He told me he lived in a storage unit. I asked how he got in our building. Someone let him in. I recorded everything and showed security, who said he knew who he was, and sent it to the leasing office. The residents of the unit with whom this man was associated were given a "stern warning". I still see him and his girlfriend smoking throughout the community but have given up on reporting it. They routinely hang out in the parking garage wandering through cars, which leads me to... 7. Cars are broken into all the time. In my 11 months here, my roommate's car was broken into twice. Happens all the time. I guess that's the price you pay when you live in a community where homeless people cruise around freely. 8. You'll get trapped in the community with nearly no notice. Last summer, there was a charity walk of some sort around Segerstrom. We were given notice THE DAY BEFORE that we would not be able to exit or enter the community from 6am until 1pm the next day. That was awesome since I was supposed to be at work at noon. My roommate, who has lived here longer than me, said this was not the first time that happened. The leasing office claimed they had no idea it was happening, but that's complete BS (most info from the leasing office is BS), because they are required to sign off on those permits. 9. The amenities were shut down for over three months, yet we didn't receive a break in what we pay for our exorbitant rent. Even Irvine Company is crediting residents! Too many problems to list, not enough characters allowed in Yelp reviews...