Where to start, ok full disclosure; I have lived at 3400 on two separate occasions over the past 6 years. The first time around I was in my mid-20s and now in my mid-30s (just to give you context). Then Back during my first tour my fiance and I lived in the D building in an upgraded one-bedroom, and, I have to say we had a blast. There simply aren't that many apartments in Costa Mesa that give you the amenities this place offers, and honestly, they are all suited towards entertaining guests which is beyond awesome, especially in the summer time. The only problem with the apartment then was noise from the Segerstrom Arts Center and cars, not much to write home about really. All said and done, it was a good experience then minus the crazy amount we paid for rent. Now Fast forward to 2016, I am a bit older with a 7-month-old baby, and the need for more square footage, so I lease an upgraded two bedroom. Not withstanding the crazy rent, the place looked amazing and coincidentally we were back in the same D building as last time. The staff were amazing with the tours and leasing process, the grounds never looked better and of course the maintenance crew are speedy to a fault. The first 3 months were bliss, the car noise wasn't too bad when we closed the screen doors and finally, the baby had her own room to sleep in. Month number 4 rolls around, and I get new neighbors upstairs in their 20s (memories of what I used to do when I lived here come rushing back, I shudder a bit and shake it off, thinking at least I was considerate of my neighbors, how bad could it be?). Well, it was/and still is horrible, I am not sure how, but, my neighbours partied soo much last summer I literally begged them to try to be considerate to no avail - from spilling liquids down onto our balcony, to hearing them fight, to hearing them have sex, to seemingly rearranging their furniture every night. It has been a living hell, calling the front gate, opening complaints at the leasing office has had no effect whatsoever. I mean it got so bad, my wife and daughter now live at a friends' in Laguna during the work week so they can sleep at night - can you imagine that?? It get's better, as if being murderously annoyed daily isn't enough, in June of 2016, my car was burglarized, and the other was literally stolen in our assigned parking spots in the parking garage of building D (ground floor). I informed management as well as Costa Mesa PD - forensics and statements were taken, and of course there was nothing 3400 could do but render a video of the car being driven out of the front gate - needless to say, this didn't help the investigation whatsoever. I always assumed (yes, my fault) that these "apartment homes" which I pay ridiculous sums to lease were safe and monitored constantly, after all, they are a gated community - this is not the case. The garages where people pay to park per space on top of the ridiculous rent, where people park their Ferraris and Lambos are - completely unmonitored (thieves take notes). Ok, I have a child now, so I exercise some patience on top of my seething rage, and two weeks later Santa Ana PD locate our stolen vehicle abandoned (of course they took our belongings, what hurt the most - they took the baby seats, stroller, and the stowed travel system. Bear in mind, all through this, 3400 did absolutely nothing, not a note was left, the community manager didn't try to even explain how this could have happened and measures they would take to prevent this from happening to others - nothing. This brings me to today. I come downstairs to the garage to pick up my daughter from daycare - guess what, the whole row of cars in my garage had windows busted out and burglarized. Not only that, since June, 3400 has done nothing in terms of security to ensure what happened to us would never happen again, so they don't know who did it. The canned response from the security guards is to go talk to the leasing office. To say I am angry would be a misnomer - I literally hate this place and can't wait to get out. Also - I realize 3400 has a glitzy facade but look closer and the varnish peels. For the past 3 days, water has been seeping from the ceiling into the first floor, so much so that they literally put a bucket to catch the water - I am not sure if I should laugh or be sad - I did that in college when I paid $300 for rent, I certainly didn't imagine paying 10 times more for the same. Lessons 1. If you are not in your 20s, do yourself a favor, save the money and move somewhere else (especially if you have kids or plan to have any) 2. 3400 is a car jackers dream! They waltz in whiles you're sleeping, burglarize and/or steal your car and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it - and, yes, 3400 will do nothing about it either. Make sure that renters insurance is robust - those gates provide a false sense of security. Good luck!!