Less than spectacular . I forgot to add that for 4 months I was being billed twice on my utilities . Not only was I paying the utility companies both gas and electric . I was also being charged by management for 4 months as well . I had to wait for corporate to confirm this with my statements I provided . This was a hassle as that money was needed for bills that had to be paid late due to this fiasco. On top of this , for some reason which I still can not explain and neither could the gas company , I had a gas bill of over 500 dollars that was a mystery as to what had caused this gigantic increase to my service. It's unfortunate that these problems have occurred for me as this was somewhere that I had always wanted to reside but can assure you I will not pursue a renewal of a new lease . Below I have also provided pictures of my car that was vandalized 3 days in a row without any help in prevention by management. . After the first night of my car being keyed , I moved my vehicle in front of the leasing office thinking and hoping there were possibly cameras or less risk of something happening again to my car . There were no cameras and my side panel window was smashed in as seen by the photos