We've lived here for several months, and now we are terminating our lease early. First, our car is frequently vandalized. When reporting this to management, we were told to call the police. Having been in law enforcement for many years, I know that a vandalism report like this is filed away. What is needed is actual security on the premises: security management likes to say it has. Wrong. Tonight for the second time we called security about an insane amount of noise in the apartment upstairs. We were told that no one could come over until late and that we should call the police. Again, the police. What is on site security for? This is unacceptable when we were told that the rent we pay includes security and services to deal with these types of issues. Update: The security guard did come over for the noise. He was very helpful. I upped the rating based on that. Update: we have waited three weeks for someone to fix our broken dishwasher door. Still nothing.