AIMCO has the WORST service I've ever encountered. I've lived at 3400 Avenue of the Arts (in Orange County, CA) for almost 2.5 years now. We are moving out around Xmas time and I couldn't be happier! In addition to rent (over $2K/mo.), I pay about $100/mo. for 2 parking spots and we have never missed a payment (including this month). For context, I have found another car parked in my spot probably 7 or 8 times since I've lived here. Every single time it's happened, I have filed a complaint and asked for the car to be towed. And every single time, 3400 Avenue of the Arts (owned by AIMCO) has said that their policy is not to tow the car illegally parked in another resident's spot until they contact the residence associated with the spot and any other residents who may have invited the person with the car to their apartment so that they can get the individual parked in the spot to personally move the car. I've had to park my car illegally for several hours on multiple occasions while they tried to track down who was illegally parked in my spot. Out of those 7 or 8 times I've had to deal with this, the car parked in my spot has only been towed once. And that was with a direct complaint from the person who paid for the spot. Now here's the kicker. My girlfriend switched cars recently and forgot to notify management about her new license plate. She's sick this weekend so parked in her spot Friday night and did not check the car until today (Sunday). She went down to get her car and it was gone and another car was parked in her spot. 3400 towed the car without any complaint from any residents and without contacting the apartment associated with the spot (me). To make matters worse, their management team doesn't work weekends and the leasing office and security personnel do not even have access to the report and cannot do anything about it until Monday. Same goes for AIMCO Corporate headquarters--no one is there over the weekend to deal with your problems. When my girlfriend told the leasing office here at 3400 that she works in Downtown LA (over an hour-long commute) Monday-Friday, 9-5, and can't go to work without her car, the leasing office essentially said you're shit out of luck. They also asked us to "keep it down" because they "are a business" and had "tours they needed to give" to potential new residents. That is how they treat long-standing residents who have never missed a payment for rent or their parking spots. The fact that no one is available to deal with your problems over the weekend is a huge issue with the way AIMCO does things and they often take advantage of the fact that no one is on site to deal with their residents' problems. I regularly find notices on my apartment around 8 or 9pm on Fridays telling me that management needs to conduct an inspection (or some other reason for needing to enter my apartment) the following Monday or Tuesday. They do this intentionally so the residents cannot say no. They don't care whether the day they want access is a huge inconvenience for you or not. BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR RESIDENTS THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT MAKING MONEY. For example, Friday night at 8pm I found a notice that said they were giving AT&T access to our apartment all day on Tuesday starting at 8am and that we needed to move certain objects around so that they can do work (we aren't even a customer of AT&T). This is unacceptable to me. As I said, my girlfriend has work in LA that entire day and I also have a law school final on that date. I don't have time to move things around for AT&T (because I'm studying for my finals) and I don't want random people in my apartment when neither me nor my girlfriend is present. And keep in mind, we are moving out like 10 days after they want access to the apartment. They could literally wait 10 days and then give unlimited access to AT&T until after we move out. But guess what? I can't speak to anyone at AIMCO or 3400 Avenue of the Arts about this until Monday (the day before they want access to the apartment). Believe me, I've tried. I left a voicemail for the property manager who works at AIMCO's headquarters as soon as I found the letter. No call back. I left a voicemail for the 3400 Avenue of the Arts Leasing Office AND Resident Services. No call back. So to recap, between Friday and Sunday of this week, not only did neither 3400 Avenue of the Arts nor AIMCO call me before they towed my own car parked in my own space (without a complaint and contrary to their own longstanding policy), but they also ignored my phone calls and voicemail about a different issue. I will never rent an apartment from AIMCO ever again and I strongly recommend that you stay away from this terrible corporation and their various properties.