Avoid at all costs. There are very few pros with this complex, but, in the interest of fairness, I'll disclose those first. In general: (1) the on-site management staff (not the HQ AIMCO staff) are responsive and helpful in resolving issues; (2) the grounds are nice . . . with the exception of the main pool area (more on that in a minute); and (3) the apartments can be large - depending on the floor model. Cons I. Common Areas are Dirty The main pool is not taken care of and frequently has debris floating in, and on top of it. The residents trash the cabanas and leave food and beverage waste everywhere with the assumption that "someone else" will pick it up. The residents leave trash in the hallways and in the garages - the garage trash, in particular, is rarely, if ever, picked up unless it is in the always overflowing trash can near the elevator entrance. This is the case in the C building where I lived - I'm assuming it is the same in all buildings. Residents let their pets urinate and defecate in the hallways and in the garage - in particular, there have been large, numerous, piles of dog diarrhea and puddles of urine near the entrance into the building from the C building garage which are difficult to avoid stepping in. The on-site manager finally sent an email out about this after approximately a month of it going on. II. Water Issues The C building garage floods anytime it rains and, in the lower level, the water leaks from cracks in the ceiling . . . rad. The water puddles in the garage for weeks after it has rained indicating a drainage issue. American cockroaches - which the management euphemistically call, "water bugs" (a totally different, but equally nasty species) - abound. They love water (the complex has a ton of fountains, pools, grass watering, flooded garages, etc. - even when SoCal is still in a drought) and hate cold weather - i.e., they like to hang-out in warm apartments and are disgusting. III. Smoking The complex claims to be "smoke free;" however, many of the residents chose to ignore this. The participants/beneficiaries in the large Chinese anchor baby/birth tourist operations, which are involved in a huge number of residences and on-site commercial kitchens/food delivery services, smoke cigarettes like the world is going to end tomorrow. The college and high school students enjoy smoking marijuana on their balconies and share the second-hand fumes with their neighbors for free (how generous). The residents CAN be penalized, but, only if the cracker-jack security personnel (more on that) "catch" them in the act. IV. Security Issues As noted by other current, and former, residents, security is a MAJOR issue in this complex. Several weeks ago SEVEN vehicles were burglarized while parked in garages which are WITHIN the gated community. The gates into the community - both the car gates and the pedestrian gates - frequently malfunction, so, no surprise re the break-ins. Most of the security personnel do not look at people driving in to the community too, so, there is that issue as well. When calling security, it often takes them a while to respond and they may go to the wrong building when responding to an issue. By the time they actually do respond, the issue - such as the smoking noted above - is no longer actively occurring . . . the residents just wait until security leaves and then start smoking, partying outside at 1130PM on a week day, etc. V. Security Deposit Issues Don't expect your full security deposit back - AIMCO HQ WILL find a way (whether legal or not) to ding you. For example, I agreed to the $145 cleaning fee before move-out since I didn't want to buy their special cleaning chemicals/do it myself. However, AIMCO also decided to charge me $123.96 for painting. Upon calling AIMCO to discuss this issue, they had several lame excuses regarding the charge and claimed that there were "several scuffs and a smudge" which necessitated the fee. I explained that, under California law - specifically, Cal. Civ. Code s. 1950, and the California Department of Consumer Affairs' Guidelines for Landlords (available here: http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/sec-deposit.shtml) - these "scuffs" were "ordinary wear and tear." The AIMCO employee responded, "that's not our interpretation." I said, "you don't abide by California law?" No response. I then asked if holes from pictures were "ordinary wear and tear," and whether "residents should be alerted not to hang pictures lest they lose their security deposit." I received a lame, completely arbitrary answer: "picture holes are ok, scuffs are not." Had I known of this "policy" I could have wiped the scuffs off with a sponge and a cleaning product. This "policy" is explained nowhere in the lease, on AIMCO's webpage, on 3400's webpage, or by management. It is arbitrary and not explicitly stated anywhere. BEWARE!!!!