Look at the rest of the reviews here for a critical view of this place. The staff here has been unhelpful in resolving any issues. 1) Parking is not included. Verify where your parking spots will be before signing the lease. I have to walk very far every day to the parking spot I pay for. 2) People will park in the spot you pay for. Management is very slow to respond to this. 3) Crime is very high in this area. Take a look at the Costa Mesa's police department page for the high activity of reports at this address. Packages were stolen from my front door. Management was not concerned. 4) Bugs. Not fun. 5) Noise. If your by the street you'll be awakened to the sound of cars revving throughout the night. Look for donut marks on the adjacent streets. You'll also be able to hear every footstep of your neighbor above you. 6) Trash is an issue. No dumpsters. If it doesn't fit in the trash shoot your out of luck. Lastly management will be unhelpful if any issues do arise.