Christina B.

Posted 8/2016. These apartments will draw you in with their spacious floor plans, TONS of storage, fairly updated units, and vast amenities, but it's all a myth. We had so many issues in our 13 months of living here and we're so happy to be out. 1. Safety--Our first safety issue came about 3 am one day when this gal was ringing the door bell. I was home alone, so I was definitely startled. I crept up to the door to look through the peephole and saw this woman dressed in all black standing there. She kept ringing, so I crept back to our room and called the gate. They said they would send someone right up. Well I get a call back a few minutes later--after the lady had left--and they "couldn't find her." We live in a gated community where you have to fob in to all of the doors and your fob only works for your building and the gym. Fast forward a few months to our second safety incident. My husband was trying the keys we had cut in our front door and this gal pushed her way into our apartment frantic and saying that her roommate was trying to hurt her. She was rambling and not making sense and meanwhile she was taking her sim card out of her phone--more on that in a sec. So when she told us that she was out in the hall talking on the phone when she heard her roommate and a make friend talking about her--and then a gun cock--we told her she had to go. We offered to call the police or security--she said no and left. We put the sim card into a microreader and there were pictures of these crystals. We google image searched the images and they came back as crystal meth. We immediately called the security office and they said they would send someone up to take a report. Well they still haven't shown up so we call again and they said that they did a patrol and didn't see anyone (same excuse) and aren't coming so they tell me to "call the cops" and hang up. So we call the police and they come and we report what happened. The officers both said that they aren't surprised and this situation happens a lot at our complex. Well great that's comforting. 2. Terrible Management--Ever since Matthew came to be manager at 3400, we saw a decline in services. The management office closed and you can't reach anyone by phone unless you want to rent an apartment. He never responds to e-mail--he forwards it to someone also and says "Can you answer her." Or he just doesn't respond at all--because he is always out of the office. This became a huge issue when we decided to have friends over at the pool and were notified an HOUR before our friends would arrive that there was a policy of two guests per resident. We have NEVER heard of this policy nor have we seen anyone else adhere to it--the main pool is basically like Vegas every weekend. Well apparently the police came a few times the day before--this is normal on the weekends--so management was dropping the hammer. When I tried to talk to the manager in the office (not Matthew because he is never in the office), I was told that "there has always been a policy and it's in your lease." When she checked our file, the box next to "pool bands" was left blank, proving that we were never notified as I told her. It's also NOT in the lease because we checked. She wouldn't budge though so we had to change locations at the last minute, which was infuriating because the policy doesn't exist--they had probably just gotten in trouble. She tried to say that she wasn't aware of the issues at the pool every, which is LIE. The leasing agents ALL walk perspective tenants through the pool area on the tour--including the woman I was speaking to. They walk right through the middle of the raucous partying that is ALWAYS happening every weekend without fail. PLUS they have a "concierge" who "patrols" the pool, which really means he lounges in the chairs or on the large cushions with the bikini-clad tenants while drinking their beers and eating their food all day (see the pic). 3. Nickel and Dime--You will pay and pay some more to live here. And we aren't really sure what we were getting in return. The amenities seem nice but if you look closely the pool furniture is falling apart and the gym equipment is really showing wear. We paid for garage parking but had the option to park for free in the uncovered spots. Well those days are NO MORE. In the middle of our lease, they assigned all of the "free" spots and started charging for them. $50 for garage and $25 for outside. Every month. And guest parking is very limited and you will get towed if you are a tenant and park in guest. You also pay a "convenience" fee to have your water, sewage, trash and pest bills rolled into one. It's not a convenience if I am not given a choice to pay it. It's a FEE plain and simple. Also, there are lots of roaches/water bugs all over the place so I am not sure what the pest fee was going toward. I am out of space or I would keep going. DON'T DO IT. Live elsewhere. You will be much happier, safer, and probably have more money.