Moved in two months ago, the reason I moved in is because I attracted by the amenities. My roommate lived in a studio for a year, when her lease ended I decided to move in, so we went to office and ask about information, as other yelper said, bad management, no, it's the WORST customer service ever! 1) My roommate and I are 20ish students who need a co-signer. Last year, my roommate provided bank statement to approved. This year, we bought in the bank statement with a good amount of money. They said they don't take it anymore because of policy changed TWO WEEKS ago. Fine, after my dad made some phone calls and find a co-signer, no big deal. 2) We were looking at 2 bed around $2500 range. They offer us a classic apartment which is less than $2000. Great, we decided to take it right away. The day we sign the lease, the staff did the damage checklist for us and said that she will schedule maintenance to fix things. A week later, things didn't fix and we found more problems after our officially moved in, so we went down to the office and told them, the bedroom door can't close all the way, the walk-in closet door can't close, some lights can't turn on...... We also found that she didn't make the request to the maintenance for us. No apologize, just said she forgot. We also tell them we didn't expect there are so many problems. She said because we live in the CLASSIC apartment. Be careful taking the lower price of CLASSIC apartment. 3) After we sign the lease, she didn't give us a copy. Until couple days later, someone put it in front of our door. 4) Same as another yelper review, when you move out they rip you off on the deposit. The studio apartment was only carpeted in the walk-in closet, that little piece of clean carpet cost $150 to clean. 5) The most stressful and mentally killing us are the complain letterS we received on the first month from the downstair neighbor complains to the office. The patio was originally gross. They moved in around the same time we did. The very first time I was sweeping the patio, she claims the dusts are falling down to her patio. A week later, the office send us letter that we watering plants, which we don't have any. Dropping pet urine when someone on the patio? Is that even possible they pee into a 1 cm crack, and there were people below, how coincidental? Dropping cigarette butts and ashes? The butts are between the cracks the first day I move in. Other than cigarette, there are peanuts, straws, gums...... We ignore the first letter, because obviously isn't intentional. We receive letter again, so I sent some pictures to the manager how nasty the place they gave us, and also complain about the service and attitude we've been receiving. We live in a penthouse but we can't even clean our own patio because our no life neighbor watching us and taking pictures. How comfortable living is this? 6) Almost every apartment have dogs in the dog's building. Other dog barks, our dog barks. People complain us, we complain people. I've notice the office had changed some new staff. New security guys looks way bigger than before. I feel much safer. The maintenance team did wonderful job fixing our apartment, not just the request, they check other things for us and great attitude. The office finally leave us alone. Hope the day when I move out I can give them a higher rank~