This place was great. It is a shit hole now. I have no clue what kind of people they rent this place out to. Many look scary weird and I feel unsafe even though this is a supposedly gated community. There is a big chain of all Asian pregnant women who come and live here on month to month lease basis and leave after the child gets US citizenship. The management just wants to MAKE MONEY! I lived here more than 3 years. The falls are paper thin, i can hear the guy on top floor having sex. The lady below me is a chainsmoker(in the so called non smoking apartment) who literally chokes me when i pass the patio. Even after complaining many times, nobody cares. The management Matthew Comic is trying to EXTORT MONEY from residents through all ways possible. First is to come random check on patio and fine u insane amount if there is anything in the patio. (not that I had experienced this). The worst is remove all the outdoor visitor parking spots and convert them to money making reserved parking spots. My husband used to pay $25 to park his car(I believe once u rent an apartment the management should provide parking, how else would anyone live) For a car you need to pay $35 for uncovered spots where you have 99% chance of your car getting vandalized. Else pay $55 for covered parking which makes no sense. I dont know wtf has happened to amico management that they can go to any lows to make residents unhappy. Probably it is a way to force out current residents, increase the prices for the apartments to make more money and then add extra costs for other scape goats. The facilities here have also deteriorated over the years. Stop harassing your residents!!