Buyer beware!! These apartments have all wooden floors with low ceilings. People above you can make as much noise walking/jumping, dragging dining chairs, etc. and management will do everything in their power to avoid confronting the noisy neighbors. Oh, they may have a talk with the neighbors, but only after they ask you to make at least 5 recordings of noise and get two security guard witnesses documented. By the time you get your phone in record mode and follow the noise around with your hand to the ceiling, you've suffered through weeks of noise unabated. Not to mention the feat of trying to get security to come over at the exact moment they are walking or jumping around. It took over a dozen visits. Once the security even confronted them and the neighbor just laughed in his face. Mgmt knows it's impossible, but they put you through it. Then after you follow everything they require (we exceeded every requirement they asked) they may ask them to put down rugs, but they refuse to verify it is enforced. All they need to do is inspect, but they won't. If the noise continues (our got worse bc they got childish and clomped around even more in revenge) and you go back to mngt, mngt starts treating YOU as if YOU are the problem. At $3k a month, you'd expect some service!!!