If someone mentions that they stepped in someones dog urine, barefoot, right outside their door, that should automatically trigger an apology response and provide preventative methods as this is not a one time occurrence. There have been multiple water leaks in the F-building parking lot that appear to be floodlike. The water is removed, but not in a timely manner. The process of removing all the water isn't efficient because for the past week, we haven't been able to park in our assigned parking spots. It was verbally communicated to the management department that there was still water remaining in our parking spots. We were assured that it would be taken care of and today is the 5th day with no follow through. There also should be stricter preventative measures to avoid there being unnecessary bags of trash outside the trash shoots. The trash shoots are not full at all and certain residents feel the need to leave their grocery store bags filled with trash, outside the shoot. The recent notice sent out from leasing office in regards to trash outside shoots was OK, except for the most important part, the reminder that If found guilty of leaving trash outside shoot, there will be a fine of X-amount. To conclude, there should be better follow through and a goal to be more proactive to avoid this type of feedback.