Two weeks ago someone attempted to steal my motorcycle out of the garage. I made a report with the office and police. The office said they would get back to me after they review the security camera footage. The concierge looked at the tapes the next day and found the camera didn't actually work. The office never got back to me so 16 days after I reported the incident I went back down to the office to seek answers. The office management seemed like it was the first time they were hearing about the incident. After then being informed that the camera doesn't work I inquired about when it was going to be fixed because it is now 16 days after they found out it wasn't working. The answer was "we're in the process of finding out". I spoke to residents that park in the spaces next to me and two of them have had bicycles stolen, one reported it to the office and one didn't. The one that did report it got the same answer as I did. His incident happened three months ago. I went back down to the office to speak further about the known break ins and broken cameras and the woman told me the office manager would call me the next day. The office manager never called and I was told he instead went to a company softball game. Apparently company softball games are more important than issues from residents. It seems like the only way to get a response from management is to post on social media as made evident though other yelp reviews. If someone were to ask my opinion about moving in, I would strongly advise against it.