Should have never moved here, Its really sad because i was SO excited to move in, I have had to call the police for noise complaints because security would never do anything, the complex is very pricey, the management treats you like your a child, and are very disrespectful. Even though my southern california edison account was active and set up, their records showed I had not told them my account number SO what did they do? SENT me a bill for $800 as an "inconvience fee" I was also sent a bill for $1,900 for a pet that i DID NOT have, because they heard barking coming from the floor i was living on. I had to have my lawyer send letters to get the charges off my account. The staff is super rude and called me a liar about my edison account, only to have her find out the real truth she looked embarrassed. Not to mention all the ant problems, and leaks from my ceiling they REFUSED to fix because it was from "the guest bathroom" above me and they never had any guests so, it wouldnt ever be a problem again. UMMM REALLY???? my lease IS NOT UP till the end of april and i have already moved out two weeks ago to a stunning CONDO in irvine for much cheaper than that awful place they call a community. How horrible. Oh, and I was told I was getting a different apartment than they actually gave me they tricked me into saying i was on the quiet side of the complex, but they really put me on the busy side of sunflower. So dont ever expect to sleep in past 7 due to the busses coming and going.