This community genuinely sucks, not worth living in at all. Majority of residents suck, people steal packages and food deliveries. Management sucks, they're negligent and seem to not care at all about the comfort and safety of their residents. The walls in my unit aren't even straight, the floors are not even close to flat. For months straight and years prior, cars were getting broken into with smashed windows and cut convertible tops with no action taken by management. Homeless people were hanging out in our garages leaving trash and feces everywhere. The shower in my bathroom flooded leaving other peoples urine and feces all over my bathroom and leaked into my closet and outside the unit, ruining my clothes and other belongings. Management did the bare minimum to resolve this and promised to compensate me for damages but never did. The maintenance team also instructed me that they would need to remove all the drywall that was affected to avoid any mold growth, however, management told them not to as it was "unnecessary". They have put my health at risk and did nothing to compensate me for damages. On top of all this poor management, they just did a huge "parking upgrade" and just repaved the asphalt and removed all visitor parking spaces and moved them to outside the gates and now charge money for visitor spaces. As if this doesn't sound dumb enough, there are thousands of units and only about 10 visitor spaces now. You now have to download an app and pay money just to have a guest or family member visit you, makes no sense. My one unit pays over $3500 to this community yet they continue to grab for more money while providing the bare minimum comfort and security to residents. I would advise not living here until management learns how to use their heads and delegate money properly.