Sandy Yuan

My partner and I lived in this community for one year. The facilities and the staff are nice, but the management is highly predatory. We would not recommend this place to anybody. The good reviews are because they run a lottery for newcomers who leave google reviews, and yes things were quite rosy at the beginning, but not for long. Major issues: 1. Fees, fees, and more fees. While the rent might look appealing at first glance, there is a ton of hidden fees. You will be responsible for paying the common area utility, which is more than $100 a month. You will also be paying for every single utility item you can think of and more. Overall, the utility bill was 17 items long and we paid more than $200 dollars per months in addition to rent and parking. Oh yeah, and parking is another $100 per month per spot. 2.Late fees. They sent us the renewal offer one week before we were supposed to send in the "move out notice," and told us we had till the last day of our lease to renew. I personally found it to be shady and highly misleading that they gave us the offer so late, never reminded us of their longer-than-normal 60 move out notice deadline, and implied that we had till the end of our lease to decide. When we actually told them we were going to move out, they immediately told us we were late and would pay the extra days at 125% of the market rate! 3.Move out cleaning fee. No matter how clean you leave your apartment, they have a mandatory deep cleaning fee that will be taken out of your deposit. So dont actually expect to get any of your deposit back. They actually try to convince you how it was a good deal and you were lucky they are only charging as much for move out cleaning, which you would think is their job to begin with. Minor issues: the chairs in the common area are becoming worn out and nasty. They dont look like they are going to replace them. The "common area" or the "tech lounge" is in fact the leasing office, so no common indoor space in reality. The mail lockers requires a mandatory paid subscription, and they are a pain to work with. We constantly had issues retrieving the packages because they ended up in the wrong lockers. The agents would also move your packages without consulting you. The furnishing looks nice on tiktok but is actually quite cheap. We had tiles moving around and "wood panels" falling off. All in all, they will try to milk you of every penny they can get through hidden fees, traps in the lease and all its addendums.