light sweet

Moved in here because of the 5 star reviews. Issues: 1. Lots of hidden costs, you have to pay for the parcel locker, for using the garage ($100 per month). If you want to use the EV charging station you have to pay $35 per month + actual charging costs. 2. I moved here because it seems a quiet place, however people (kids and adults) are screaming at the pool everyday and the BBQ oil and smoke fills my home EVERYDAY. I am drown in noise and smoke unless I keep all windows closed all day. And I have to pay $35+ utility fee each month to keep those useless utilities going. 3. The water quality is horrible, it tastes weird even after filtering. 4. Lots of issues upon move in, e.g. I got 2 maintenance visits so far and haven't fully fixed the issues yet. 5. Regardless of what complaint you have, the management will tell you that they haven't received the complaint from other units, so this is not a real problem, just deal with it.