Gang Li

I don't recommend this apartment. The apartment is OK with over $3000 for a 2b. However, the service is so bad that it cannot even compare with a $2000 one. I rarely saw the manager Shawn with a smile on his face. What's worse, the dishwasher was not working with air dry since December 2021, after I submitted the maintenance request, Shawn told me he was working on buying a new heater, but he didn't. When I asked about it two weeks later, he said the heater type was not commonly used, and that's just done, my maintenance request was even DELETED. In April this year, I submitted the request again but still never got a response. Anyway, I am gonna move out in June. Then, the move-out inspection was like a robbery. I will be charged $50 for just a few stickers on the floor and over $200 for a not-super-clean bathroom table. I peeled off the stickers with my fingers in 1 minute and cleaned the bathroom table with just a towel. Below are the pics I took, see how ridiculous it was. What's worse, this apartment is about 10 years old, I have lived here for about only 1.5 years. I didn't cook much, however, one of the top glasses on the stove does not look new which is pretty understandable for a 10-year-old stove. The stove is working very well, no crack, no damage at all. For a couple of times when Shawn talked about the stove, he would RAISE his voice and THREATEN that I have to pay &340 for that area on the stove, which makes me feel uncomfortable each time. I have left some paintings on the wall because my daughter likes drawing. The charge to recover the wall was over $700, which I was able to understand. But when I said if I could find professional painters to do it, Shawn turned very angry and said I was wasting his time and left the apartment. How ridiculous it is because I am still an active tenant with more than two weeks due. Last but not the least, DON'T choose the apartment if you have young kids. This building isn't soundproof at all. When I moved in, my girl was ten months. When she was 18 months and just started running, we got a lot of complaints from under the apartment. In the meantime, the upstairs held parties almost every Saturday night, with loud music and footsteps noises even after 11 pm. The thing that I will remember forever here is that I met some pretty nice neighbors, especially the one next to my unit. They are like sunshine in the winter. That is why I did not give it a one-star!