Rob D.

I would not recommend living at Axiom. For the price, you can find locations with better amenities, better upkeep, and much less day-to-day hassle.The good: Lauren, one of the administrative staff, is really kind and helpful. And the location is great; it's very close to the Charles river.The bad: Tenants are regularly subject to monthly hassles, subpar upkeep, repeatedly being ignored by management, and daily loud noise outside starting at 7am.Details:Staff: Lauren is friendly and helpful. Unfortunately though, many matters need to be handled through Tyler, who regularly ignores emails. I have sent Tyler emails on 4/14/21, 5/28/21, 7/3/21, 7/5/21, 7/11/21, 7/13/21, 7/25/21, 8/10/21, and 9/2/21. Tyler replied on 7/5/21 and 7/14/21.Location: The location is great - close to Kendall Square, and very close to what I consider the most beautiful portion of the Charles River.Amenities: If you visit, ask to see the gym. It is representative of our apartment: cheap and unmaintained. Management chooses short-term cost savings over long-term quality, with "star trac" equipment and squeaky treadmills due to poor maintanance. Also, take a look at the FITNESS ON DEMAND screen. It has been unlicensed for months, burning energy for no reason (the attached picture is from 9/4/2021).Unexpected fees: Other reviews mentioned unreasonable Luxer One fees, and management responded with a claim that Luxer One is a state-of-the-art utility that exists for the tenant's benefit. This is not true. I have lived in multiple luxury apartments with Luxer One, and every one except Axiom has paid the Luxer One fee for the tenant. It is more convenient for the building than for tenants.Hassle: Since moving in, our water and sewerage charge has been 10x (yes, 10 times!) what we have previously been charged, with no changes in daily activities (we are a couple with no kids). I alerted Tyler about this on 7/3/21 via email and also in person, along with a screenshot of false water activity while we were on vacation, and today (10/7/21) the issue has still not been resolved. Further, despite knowing about this, Axiom blocks our ability to pay rent due to "unpaid amounts" (water and sewerage), so every month we need to find someone in person to override system behavior, just so that we can pay our rent.Noise: Every morning, at 7am or before, a large dumpster pulls up right outside our window (apartments 201, 203, 301, 303, 401, 403, etc.) to shake large bins with tofu waste from the tofu factory next store. This is extremely loud. Picture attached. Further, again because of shoddy maintenance, fire alarms have gone off regularly, often during workdays and often for long periods. This is typically because of system configuration (e.g., maintenance being done on elevators) rather than actual smoke.