Valentino Espinoza

My girlfriend and I lived here for about a year. Our lease was supposed to end this December but we terminated our lease early. Although some of the staff was friendly and tried their best, it felt like not all of the staff did. I'm giving a 1 star for the following reasons: 1.) Our AC was broken in the summer for over 2 months. Maintenance would show up and say they fixed it, just for it not to be fixed. I believe it took about 5 visits before they finally fixed it. Several times they told us they would just order a new unit and replace it, which did not end up happening until the weather wasn't so hot. 2.) We lived next to a man who sold heroin and would have to walk past sleeping addicts in the hallway, and find poop in the trash shoot room. The resident was eventually evicted, but we never heard any official word from Bank and Boston, and had to hear all of this from other residents. 3.) We could not reserve any elevator during moving. 4.) Elevators broke often, and 1 of the 2 near us were broken 90% of the time. 5.) The community washers and dryers broke often. 6.) the entire 4th floor (ours) stank all the time. It smelt like poop and death. 7.) Until recently our mailbox door was broken and slightly open. 8.) Even though lockers were installed in the laundry room for mail, the delivery people hardly left packages in them, and just left them outside the door of the laundry room. 9.) All lot of homeless people linger outside of the building 24/7 and pee. 10.) People's dogs always peed in the elevator 11.) We were not notified of a re-painting fee we would have to pay on move out. 12.) The internet was butt. We could only get 12mbps max (it would usually not reach this speed) because the building is so old. I am a software engineer and this was a big deal for me. 13.) The water in the bathroom always stank, which we never could get fixed. 14.) It was a hassle dealing with Aimco when trying to terminate our lease. Somewhere along they had messed up the date of our move out, and even sent us emails telling us that we would have to pay another $2000 than we were already paying to end our lease (which was already a lot). Eventually we got it sorted out, but it was not a good time. 15.) While some staff was helpful and understand, some of the staff was snotty and rude. 16.) Our Post Move-out inspection guy was late. He was very nice and it didn't seem like his fault, it seemed like he was double booked. 17.) The windows to the apartment didn't cancel out much noise. Being by 16th street, it was often noisy. Our new place (not bank and boston) is across the street from 3 buildings with construction and the windows completely cancel out the noise. 18.) The entrance doors weren't very secure. A man off the street once followed my girlfriend into the building, followed her onto our floor, and tried to follow her into our apartment. Being on 16th street, it would be nice to have a doorman or some form of security. Maybe it would also help if there weren't a bunch of creeps always hanging out at the entrance. These are just the things I thought of off the top of my head. I feel like there were more bad experiences in this building, but I feel all of these points should have been addressed sooner/at all by staff. It's annoying that I can find so many things wrong with my experience at B&B, and we still had to pay such a high termination fee. It felt like the building managers don't really care about details like the stink in the building, internet speed, or even the cleanliness of the water, and even though we had a horrible experience it feels like we still had to take the loss and pay a lot just to leave. Even though we paid a lot, it does feel like such a relief to leave and live in a new building. We now live in the Union Denver, and I highly recommend it.