Hated it is right. Dont get me wrong, the apartment was beautiful. Too bad that the cover of the book was the only good part. The staff are the actual worst to deal with and they outsource to some big calling corporation so dont expect to ever talk to a real person in a problem (theyll be there at the lease signing though to take your money). I moved out and transferred my lease to another woman because it was so bad. Not only did they take new security deposits from them, they kept mine as well promising it back when they moved out. On the day the new tenants were supposed to move out they sent me an email saying ill be charged for the upcoming days because they werent out and the keys werent in. I talked to the woman who moved in for me she said they had moved out on the 20th and keyes were on the kitchen counter like they had told her to do. Now im dealing with all this, theyre keeping my deposit and am not able to get anyone on the phone to help and I havent lived there in months! DO NOT LIVE HERE.