David S.

What an awful place. The management staff turns over every few months. They all claim that they care so much about the tenants, but when you need something you figure out quickly what's really going on.1. Drug addict tenants. I woke up to cries of 'Help Me!' at 3am. There was a man who lived on my floor claiming he was attacked and asking me to call 911. After I called 911, he got up, walked up the stairs and put his fist through a window. He ran off screaming. The police called and explained he was on meth, which explains more about this weird individual living on my floor. The meth head later accused me of mugging him. I went to management and told them the situation. He had also punched a woman's door so hard he broke his hand and scared her half to death. They did nothing. I ended up living in fear of the crazy meth head until he finally left. There are other drug addicts and dealers in this building as well.2. Management are thieves! I had lived at this building for about 5 years. When I moved in, management was great. They needed a $300 deposit. When I moved out, I found out I would be getting little to none of it back. They said this was in the contract I signed. I knew it was not and asked them to show it to me. They completely lied, and then told me it was in another contract. I asked for that and again, there was nothing there. At this point, mgmt stopped communicating with me. These people are thieves, and what makes it worse is that they act like I'm being unreasonable because I just shouldn't expect to get my deposit back even after taking great care of my place over the years.3. Nothing works. The laundry machines and elevators are constantly breaking. I put a white board up in the laundry room so folks could mark which ones were broken and not lose all their laundry money in broken machines. The white board was filled up, and management took it down without fixing all of the machines. They eventually got new laundry machines, and because the mgmt is so cheep, they are already breaking down. Mgmt does not help in the least with these issues, and says you have to contact the unhelpful laundry providers. What a joke!4. My girlfriend had ankle surgery and was staying with me. They have no reasonable handicap access. I explained this and they said they could not help me. It was an old building that is grandfathered into the system and they were not required to make the fix. It would have been a few hundred dollar fix. I'm sure my stolen deposit money would have been enough.5. Homeless people steeling packages. If you want to get a delivery, make sure someone can pick it up for you. Homeless people sneak into the building and steal packages ALL THE TIME. Mgmt used to hold packages for residents, but no longer. 6. Many people use these rooms as Air b&b rentals. You never know who you're living with, and they are loud and obnoxious.7. Fire alarms in the middle of the night. One of the many joys of living with drunk college kids.I have never had a worst experience. These people will be super nice when you move in, but once they have your money they just don't care. The only good thing about this building is Ron, the maintenance guy. He's helpful and polite.Do Not Live Here!