Carter Z.

I'll try and be unbiased as possible relating my experience since January 2016.Pros: 1. The aesthetics of our apartment -- high ceilings, massive windows, and exposed brick style.2. Chelsea (building manager) genuinely seems to want our living experience to be a good one and advocates the best she can for the tenants.3. Ron (maintenance guy) is phenomenal.4. Location.Cons: 1. Internet. There's only one company (CenturyLink) that will service this building to my knowledge. The TOP speed they'll quote you is 10Mbps download speed... that's some of the slowest internet in the nation. The average download speed is 55Mbps, 5x faster than what you get here. Now before you think I'm overreacting or I should be posting this about CenturyLink, I've talked to the technicians from CenturyLink and this is a BUILDING issue, not the internet company. The way I understand it is that the owners of the buildings have the ability to pay and run new lines to make the internet better, but are unwilling.So, in the meantime, if you work from home like me, enjoy Netflix in the evenings, want to shop on Amazon -- basically any normal millennial activity, you have to endure 5x slower speeds than the AVERAGE. If your life involves the internet, then this alone is almost a deal breaker for living here.2. Safety. We're able to get past this one because of the proximity the apartment is to everything, but if you value an ultra-safe living scenario, then this isn't the place for you. Earlier this year there was a stabbing outside of our building and I also hear fights outside at night on a monthly basis. It's just not the best part of town during the nights... during the days it's great. I don't blame the building for this, it's just the state of some areas of Denver right now. 3. Zero Amenities.TL;DR - Our apartment is beautiful, the internet is painfully slow and is the building's fault, and we would love to see the landlords make strategic improvements that would go a long way in us re-signing. I will re-edit my review if things change or something I'm saying is factually incorrect.