Joseph P.

I lived here for a decade. 2004 to 14. And I loved it. Pretty fairly priced, secure units that are actual lofts. Not luxury, but fun and cool. I loved being just steps from light rail, I had a great view and it was fun to have people over. The office staff was initially weird and not very nice but those people moved on and for many years I enjoyed a good relationship with the manager and agents and maintenance team. Fast forward to April of this year. We got a new manager, Clara, who Winnie told me was really great (just days before she was fired). Let's talk about Clara. Now in 2012, I started my lifelong dream of working for myself. So money wasn't as fast or as much as it had been. But I did ok. Occasionally I had been late where I never had in the past. But my plan of action was always to be upfront with the manager and let her know what my plan was, what the late fees were and the deadlines for them. Admittedly, it wasn't ideal, but it worked and I did the best I could.In May of this year I had a credit card payment come through and I used that money to pay my rent. The client had made a mistake and wanted to pay by check and cancelled the credit card payment without telling me. That money comes out of my account, right away. So rent bounced.I went to the office to speak to Clara and sat down with her, told her what had happened. She was very 'nice' in a sort of sanitized kind of way. Like someone with money treats a homeless person. She said she didn't deal with that anymore and that I had to deal with rent collections at Aimco corporate. So I called Chris, at Aimco corporate and he was really great initially. We went back and forth over a week and I told him what date I would have the money and he said he would call Clara to see if that was ok.Wait. Clara? I thought she didn't deal with that anymore. Yeah. I knew then something was up. I waited for him to get back to me like he said he would and he never did. So I called him up and he was suddenly a lot more confrontational than he had been and suggested that I 'cut my losses' or I would be evicted. I really couldn't believe that after a decade of living there, this was happening. Clara simply wouldn't say yes or no or this or that. She was completely washing her hands of it. Long story short, I was given a date I needed to be out. So I made other living arrangements as I had no choice. This was over 1 month's rent. When I called Clara to see about returning the key, she says "Well, the sheriff isn't scheduled to come out until tomorrow..."Are you kidding me? I live there for ten years and then move when asked to even though I felt it was hugely unfair and now you have the police ready to come and remove me physically from the building? She ended that conversation with "Be careful moving and take care of yourself". That was when I hung up on her.four days later I received all of the rent money that I owed plus enough for the next month and I'd have been ahead (or at least on time) going forward. Yeah. I used that to get a new place!Thanks, Clara! Throughout the whole ordeal, I realized this. And I feel silly that I didn't realize it earlier, but I had had such an amazing ten years there:Clara and Chris play 'good cop, bad cop'. One tells you to talk to the other, but nobody really cares about your situation or how to make it better. Clara, (you can tell just by looking at her. She hasn't had a new hairstyle for at least 30 years) is one of those people who is completely uninterested (because she's unable) to work outside of a set of rules. She has no capacity for interpretation, she has no ability to be creative and she has no passion for helping others or even suggesting where they might get help. All of the old staff was fired. I went in to bring Winnie some framed photos of the building as a gift for being so great over the years and that's when a very frazzled Clara came out and told me she 'no longer worked there'. It was a very ugly time. And because of them, I don't miss living there and I don't miss being downtown. I now have a yard for my dog and life has moved on.So my advice to you as a renter is, take your money elsewhere. Go and find a place where people care about their residents, where you can build a home and find friends and relationships that will serve you well for as long as you are there. The Bank and Boston is not that place. Rents are skyrocketing at the moment and buildings are full, but that always changes and you'll be able to find a place downtown that has ten times more amenities, is better secured and more modern and with people who really have a passion for what they do.People downtown used to ask me ALL THE TIME about where to live and I'd always recommend the Bank and Boston. I even took a couple of nice people up to let them see my place. Can't wait for that to happen! If you're considering it, please message me her