Courtney B.

We have lived at Bank loft apartments for 3 years. It is a great location, although expensive given that there are no ammentities and no parking available. I am very disappointed with the support that we receive from the leasing office and Aimco. The leasing office hours change frequently and it is difficult to know when the staff will be available. Throughout our time here we have had many building managers, the turnover makes it difficult to depend on them for help. The manager is nearly impossible to get ahold of and did not respond to email for over a week when we had a question about rent payments. I found aimco and the front office unhelpful when I encountered a problem, which is not what I experienced earlier in our renting history here at Bank lofts. We have not posted a late rent payment in 3 years but when my recent rent payment did not go through we were charged $125 as well as a $20 fee for a "late notice to be posted on our front door" after the fee was already added to our account. I am disappointed that after a delightful 3 years I will be leaving bank loft apartments with a bitter taste in my mouth.