I am a current resident and I can honestly say that I CAN'T WAIT TO MOVE!!!!!! I've lived in this building for almost 5 years and have had a really bad experience. I've lived with two roommates for the past 4 years and a year ago I decided to live on my own. On the day I was moving my stuff out into storage and waiting for my one bedroom to open up I was told that the old tenant changed his mind and isn't moving out.....I also found out that they knew this for a couple of days and just decided not to notify me. Luckily there was an apartment opening up on the same floor and they told me I could have that one. Mind you that I received no accommodation or anything and still had to pay full rent. I was beyond pissed! Once I moved in to my new apartment everything seemed great and i was loving it until my awesome neighbors moved in. I've complained to the office about there noise levels, there drunk friends and there party throwing every night multiple times, I would say at least 10, and had to call the cops twice on them and STILL nothing was done about it. The staff that works at this place is just the worst. Also, I've been living next to a construction zone for the past 4 months. If you like to be woken up by drills and hammering at 8 in the morning almost every day then this is a great place for you. This place absolutely sucks. I will never be living here again. Period!