Jose Castro

I came to visit this building with high expectations to call it home, but left truly disappointed and won't recommend anyone of my network to consider living here. Everything started fine but the person who was giving us the tour to myself and wife called Fredny Fleury made derogatory, and disrespectful comments during the tour and even after his follow up call. He compared having a baby to having a dog. Something you shouldn't say in front of a pregnant woman. He called me and after I mentioned that I have an emotional support animal, he's answer was "you can buy anything on the internet nowadays" what's his criteria to believe I bought a fake ESA letter over the internet? I found this rude, and immature. I believe management from this building should give proper training to their staff about customer service, and sensitivity in the workplace. Some comments although perhaps unintended are non acceptable and give a bad impression of the entire business.