Em Shaeffer

EDIT: I just got a bill for $365 on top of our security deposit for damages such as "needing to paint the scuffs on the walls" 6 months after we moved out. This is s disgusting corrupt business that is just after your money- STAY AWAY!!!!!! They may respond to these public messages but attack you behind the scenes. Terrible experience from start to finish: When we signed our lease we were promised that the apartment would be cleaned and several repairs would be made before we moved in. Unfortunately a week later we moved into a dirty apartment with a washer/dryer that didn't work properly, light bulbs that still needed to be replaced, and damaged/scuffed walls and doors. We were also told that we would be able to have packages delivered the day we moved in. Unfortunately due to the LuxerOne system which needed to be set up ahead of time, and a security employee who was stealing packages, we had over $1000 in packages disappear. Bay Parc was not helpful in recovering our packages, and while they fired the employee, and LuxerOne had video evidence of the theft, Bay Parc's management would not allow LuxerOne to release the video to the police, so we were not able to get our packages back. Read the fine print on your lease: our $1650 apartment ended up costing us over $1740 a month after they added charges for things like communal space air-conditioning, despite the fact that only the lobby is kept cold (too cold in my opinion) and the elevators and upper floor hallways are very warm, especially in the supper. During our time living at Bay Parc, the elevators were frequently not working, and the elevators and lobby frequently had dog pee or poop due to tenants not respecting common space/having control over their animals. Another huge issue we had was with our neighbors smoking. From the moment our new neighbors moved in, they smoked like chimneys and if we ever opened our balcony doors our whole apartment would stink. Bay Parc is supposed to be a smoke-free building; they call it "a breath of fresh air." What a lie! There are often folks smoking right out front and in their apartments, and that makes the carpeted hallways smell (as does lingering pet urine). The location is great- next to a Parc and a Publix, and from the 39th floor, we had pretty great views, but the unit was dated and the management was rude, unhelpful, and unresponsive when we needed them most. After move-out Bay Parc invented a bunch of charges so as to avoid giving us our security deposit. They gave us charges over the amount of our security deposit- these jerks wanted us to give them more money. For example, they charged us for the scuffs on the walls- the ones that we asked to be removed before we moved in but they weren't. Shouldn't they be cleaning between tenants anyway? They also refused to help us with getting our utilities shut down. In general, a terrible experience. We got bad vibes almost immediately after signing- our once responsive leasing agent started ignoring our calls. In summary: -management does not care about current tenants, just about acquiring new tenants -good location -prepare to be nickle and dimed -most units are dated -lots of smokers (including Patrick, the manager) -package system is horrible -carpeted hallways are ugly, smelly, and not air-conditioned