Amanda Schwank

Update: THEY CAN 'LEGALLY' ADD FEES AFTER YOU'VE SIGNED THE LEASE! I've been in this lease for over a year and just now there is an EXTRA $540.00 a year for parking when we already pay $100 per month for parking. We got two weeks notice that our vehicle would be towed if we did not get registered for the updated parking bullshit fees that add an extra $45 per month for parking. Seriously, do not waste your time living here. I've lived here two years now and it is such a waste of money. Not worth it at all; looking forward to moving next fall. (If it was at all possible for me to move after the first year I would have in a heartbeat). Elevators are always broken (such fun walking up 38 flights of stairs with a puppy, groceries, and purse), ridiculous arbitrary charges every month that constantly fluctuate, rent prices are through the roof even though this is the most run down building in the area, hot tubs never work, internet in the lounge is garbage (I've reached out multiple times to ask for this to be fixed...glad to see all those charges I pay are going toward nothing), gym is made up of odds and ends pieces- most of which are broken, the list goes on. In short, you are better off renting from literally anywhere or anyone else than Bay Parc. It's livable, but the frustrations are just not worth the trouble.