Bob S.

I've lived here for a year and a half. Things have steadily declined over that time. This is supposedly a smoke-free building, but that's a joke. Sometimes the hallway is rank with the smell of weed, and don't try to sit on your balcony. This shouldn't be surprising, though: This place is filled with dealers doing business in the lobby, the driveway, and the park across the street. I've never lived anywhere that had more evictions for non-payment. People leave refuse outside the garbage chutes, leading to the roach problems mentioned in other reviews. The elevators rarely all work at the same time. The garage is a raceway. I've almost been hit several times, both in my car and on foot. And, there's no noise control. Management has cut back on quality housekeeping of public areas as well as the advertised 24-hour security. Other than being dog friendly, there's really little positive about this property. Management promises changes but never delivers. As soon as our lease is up, we're out of here. Do yourself a favor and stay away!