STAY AWAY!!! Nothing but problems here and they like to charge for EVERYTHING! (i.e. they will charge $77 just to pay your rent!). I'm not kidding! They charge a processing fee of $77 to take your payment by check or credit card. They did offer another solution once I complained about the fee but of course they don't bother to tell you that to begin with resulting in overpriced fees. Parking is also extra and if you want to park on the 2nd or 3rd floor its another upcharge to park there because that's "Premium". If your friends or family come to visit they can park in the visitor section where they will gladly charge them a fee per hour. Oh and if you have Amazon packages coming to you, you have to pay for a locker. I don't mind paying for things when it's something I want or for quality. I chose these apartments because they were considered luxury apartments...EXCEPT that they run the place without pride or commitment to excellence. The hallways in the common area smells like wet dogs and urine. The garage smells like urine and the concierge folks are rude, inconsistent and poorly trained. Once I reserved the elevator for move in and of course They gave away my time to someone else. When I checked back at the time they told me to come back it was still being used by someone else, so the movers had to use the regular elevators resulting in a fee! Another time when I asked for the bellman cart to move some stuff to storage they said they would call me once it was available...I'm still waiting. Then when I asked if I could change my parking spot because the SUV I drive was to big for the spot. They gave me a spot that belonged to someone else, they did it TWICE! On my third attempt they gave me a list and told me to go around each parking spot and check each one to see what was available and then I could have that spot. I elected to just keep my crappy tight parking spot. Than I come home from work one night and they gave my spot to another person. When I complained to the concierge about it she tells me that the person is not home so can I please park in spot 744. (no problem right?) Except I go to the spot and of course another car is parked there! When I asked to speak to someone the concierge tells me that there is one person still at the office and she would come in a few minutes to speak with after waiting the concierge comes over and says oh she's going home so she asked if you could park in another spot. (So it's obvious it wasn't important. It was 6:01 pm and it was time to go home, who cares if paying tenants don't have a place to park even if they paid for it.) I was about to give up, when I saw the person who was suppose to be helping me. I guess she forgot something so she was heading back to retrieve it. When I asked her what was going on, she says, "Oh didn't they tell you to park somewhere else." That's when I lost it, Why do I have to go searching for parking because of someone else's mistake. Than the concierge tells me not to yell and you "can't talk to me like this." I never used profanity, never threatened them but I'm not allowed to get upset because "thats harassment" are you kidding me!?!? Maybe you have to pay extra to get upset. They don't care about the service requests only that you give everyone high marks on there surveys. Everytime they do something for you they send you a survey.. Once before I moved in from AZ. I did a survey giving the leasing agent high marks because she was helpful, but it asked about the environment and I gave it no marks because I had not seen the common areas yet. I get a text from the leasing agent asking why I gave her poor marks, I explained I didn't and of course the next time I had a question and I asked the leasing agent for help, she pawned me off on someone else without even responding to me, so she wouldn't have to help me. Long story I know...but I rather vent on here and get it out of my system than vent to my family or friends