Tara R.

I've waited a while to leave my review because I wanted to offer the new management company time to settle into the groove of taking on a large complex. That said, while I can appreciate the effort they are making to better the community, the disturbance it's causing to residents is completely disrespectful. First let's start with the fact that it took them weeks, probably about 6, to resurface the parking lots, and we aren't talking about a complete grade and lay new asphalt, just a simple cosmetic surface fix and seal. This impeded parking for the entire duration. Then, they decided to take electricity and water to the existing dog park, great plan, terrible execution. Unfortunately for me, the trench digging for this was 20 feet from my apartment and they were here for hours, until past 7pm to be exact. I'm not talking about men and shovels, actual ground diggers and burrow drills.... until past dinner time. When I asked the leasing office how late they were going to be there they actually asked "why is it disturbing you?" .... pretty sure I didn't go up there to for the hell of it.... moving on, today, the last straw to my review standstill, I'm home and I hear a very loud thud from upstairs and I think to myself, "I hope someone didn't fall" mute the tv, hear some faint movement, go about my binge watching and I hear more loud thuds. At this point I'm thinking someone has fallen and they are struggling to get back up, go outside look up and find that my neighbors have moved out, the windows are wide open and what I am hearing is the contractors "fixing the apartment" at 5pm are carrying materials into the apartment and literally dropping them on the floor. I watched it happen. I've lived here for a few years, other than the occasional trip or fall I never hear my upstairs neighbors, but these people were dropping boxes of stuff and shaking the entire ceiling. I do what any annoyed person does, go to the leasing office. I'm always greeted with hostility for absolutely no reason, I prepared myself for that and was told "it will just be an inconvenience while they renovate" I'm sorry, what? That is what you have to say to a current paying resident? Rude, disrespectful and completely uncaring. If you want people to stay, I assume retention would be high on the priority list, but not for this new company. They don't care about anything. Don't bother moving in.And to any manager that actually takes the time to read this far, don't give me a bogus reply just to make it seem like you're engaging on reviews. There is nothing you can do about the way residents are treated by the staff at the office unless you fire them and bring in actual people with customer service skills.