Sam S.

As I look at the google reviews... I see that I am not the only one who feels that AIMCO.... ESPECIALLY THE DISCONNECTED CEO.. places profit BEFORE the resIdents' comfort, security.... AND SAFETY. The minion named ""George" (I am actually laughing right now because he has the perfect 'minion name'), seems to have some kind of response to every critisism.... and, yet, never takes responsibility. The CEO, who is hanging out with his republican rich friends on his yacht right now.... and couldn't care less about what is actually HAPPENING TO REAL PEOPLE... who HE SHOULD CARE ABOUT (FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES)..... trained "George" well. "Avoid those regular humans AND DON'T get caught up with THEIR ISSUES, GEORGE, while taking their money. Write a bunch of comments that make us look like we care! While making passive aggressive remarks! I NEED MORE MONEY! Good job George. Here is your bonus thst comes straight from the mouths of our tenants children!!!!" CHECK OUT ALL REVIEWS ON ALL WEBSITES before you sign a lease with Bent Tree! The only reason that I don't post this review on other websites is because I am aware of the lack of ethics going on with the management company... and, I need to maintain housing. I fear "retribution" that will actually be "retaliation" if the CEO and his minions find out who it is that spoke.