Barbara B

!!!DO NOT GET ROPED INTO SIGNING A LEASE AT THIS APARTMENT COMPLEX!!! I have lived in a Bent Tree for the past 4 year and cannot WAIT to move out of here. Since changing management companies, the quality of service and living has sharply declined. For starters -- they charge you to store your incoming mail. They make it mandatory to use their package storage facility and if you can not pick up your mail within a week, they ship it back to the sender. I'm a frail girl: Part of the reason I opt for shipping is so that my 50 lbs packages arrive AT MY DOORSTEP. Not 1000 ft away at the leasing office. It's ~impossible~ to find a parking spot once the sun goes down. Since the implementation of their new parking policies, be prepared to walk to the nearest shopping center about 10-15 min away just to secure a spot for your vehicle. There was a fire here just weeks ago that ended with someone dying. This required management to send out a bunch of inspection notices to make sure all the fire alarms were in working order... both times, not a single maintenance crew member stopped by to survey our equipment. Managers are rude and it's next to impossible to get in touch with anyone via phone. I can not exclaim how glad I am my lease is ending, y'all! If you value your living experience, DO NOT MOVE HERE. PSA TO ALL CURRENT UNHAPPY RESIDENTS: I know there's plenty of unhappy residents scrolling through the reviews right now.... Here's a word of advice: Once you get the 60 Day Notice reminder, immediately submit it. I made the mistake of waiting until I secured another property and now I'm stuck paying for an additional 47 days in rent. Although this is near the bottom of my list of complaints, it will leave an incredibly bad taste in your mouth. I'm order to avoid this predicament, learn from my mistake and PUT THAT NOTICE IN! Lol!