
Since the change in ownership, the leasing office is slower than the previous leasing office staff. Not that that either were responsive, but they have no idea how to finalize a lease or check that you have renters insurance correctly. Then they want to put the responsibility onto the people renting and charge them an additional $300 per month because they can't update their systems correctly. Then they waste your time by making you verify your renters insurance by having your insurance company call them directly confirming that you have renters insurance, but still can't update their systems. They don't return your calls or emails so the only way to get something done is by waiting in their office for 30-60 min only to hear them tell you they are sorry but need something else. Professionalism is not a word in their dictionary. Update: Been a while, not much has changed since. Appliances will not be replaced if they "run". I wash dishes by hand because they refuse to replace my washing machine because it "runs" and they have the nerve to tell me I need to rinse dishes before putting them in. You think I don't know that . I put dishes that are completely clean in, wash it, and it comes out dirty. Can't wait to move out in 4 months. PS. Good luck having guests over with their small a** visitor parking. Guests will probably get towed parking in other spots, unless you want to park at Spa World and walk over Update 2: Washing machine still leaks and doesn't clean properly. Every time I call the office they just send a "maintenance" person to run the washer and leave. Good luck with any water damage, I will not be held liable for it.